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Dirty Coffee? What Is That? 

Dirty Coffee? What Is That? 

Have you ever heard of a Dirty Coffee? Did you know that dirty coffee is actually a thing? If you’re like most people, you probably thought dirty coffee was just a regular coffee that hadn’t been brewed properly. But that’s not the case!

As it turns out, it’s a coffee drink that has been gaining popularity, especially in Asia. In fact you’ll find it on the menu of nearly every coffee shop.

But what exactly is a dirty? Where did it come from? How do you make one? And what’s the difference between it and other similar coffee drinks? These are the questions we are going to be covering in this article.

So if you’re curious and ready to learn all about that dirty coffee, then keep reading!

What is Dirty Coffee?

a dirty coffee
Photo by Casual Grains on Unsplash

The quick and “dirty” answer is that Dirty Coffee is a beverage you make by pouring hot espresso over extremely cold milk. The “dirty” in the name comes from the creative, messy design that is made when pouring the espresso over the cold milk.

The problem is, though: any non-coffee beverage containing espresso can be termed “dirty.” Consider an ordinary Chai Latte with no espresso added. Now add espresso to it…You’ve just created a Dirty Chai!

The mouthfeel of dirty coffee is particularly distinctive and appealing, due to the hot and cold layers. The creamy, robust, hot espresso tastes fantastic in your first sip. Then, when you get to the milk, the hot drink abruptly changes to cold.

After drinking the bitter espresso, the cold milk that follows seems even sweeter than usual. Finally, the two tastes and temperatures blend in your mouth for greater complexity that you will appreciate. Furthermore, if you make it correctly, you’ll have a gorgeous layered coffee to show off on Instagram or Pinterest.

Now that we know what dirty coffee is, let’s take a look at its history.

Where Did Dirty Coffee Originate

This interesting coffee beverage was not created by Starbucks, unlike many other coffee drinks.

The dirty coffee drink is believed to have originated in Japan. And it’s become so popular that it’s now being served in coffee shops all over the world, including Australia, Europe, and North America.

The Dirty was originally created by the Japanese coffee house, Bear Pond Espresso, as a drink named The Dirty. They are known for producing thick and syrupy espresso. This enhances the drink’s richness and creaminess.

How to Make a Dirty Coffee in 4 Easy Steps

Making dirty coffee is actually pretty simple. All you need is a double shot of hot espresso and 4-6 oz. of extremely cold milk. To make the best dirty coffee, we suggest using a dark roast coffee. This will give the drink a more intense flavor, making it even more delicious.

Step One

Add the milk to a glass cup and place it in the freezer for about 15 minutes so that it gets really cold.

Step Two

If you have an espresso machine, pull a double shot of espresso. If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can use a moka pot or better yet, an Aeropress.

Step Three

Slowly pour the espresso over the milk. Use an upside-down tablespoon between the espresso and the milk as you pour it. This will allow the espresso to “float” above the milk rather than immediately combining with it, resulting in a lovely layer.

Step Four

Serve immediately and enjoy!

Variations and Add-ins

When you’ve mastered the fundamental process, you may want to add your own spin to this beverage. There are variations of dirty coffee that you can make.

For example, you could try adding a flavored syrup to your drink. This will give it a sweeter taste. Honestly though, you can pretty much add any thing that you desire. Be as creative as you want to.

Or if you’re feeling adventurous, you could even add a shot of Bailey’s Irish Cream or another type of liquor. Just be warned, this will make it even more potent! And remember to drink responsibly!

What’s the Difference Between Dirty Coffee and Other Similar Drinks?

Now that we know what dirty coffee is and how to make it, let’s take a look at some of the other similar drinks out there. This way, you’ll be able to order the right drink next time you’re at a coffee shop.

One of the most common dirty coffee drinks is the Affogato. An Affogato is made with a scoop of ice cream or gelato that is “drowned” in a shot of espresso.

Another similar drink is an Espresso Con panna, which is simply a shot of espresso with a dollop of whipped cream on top.

The last drink we’ll mention is the Cappuccino. A cappuccino is made with equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam. It’s often served with cinnamon or chocolate powder sprinkled on top.

Final Words

We hope you enjoyed learning about dirty coffee. This drink is a great way to get your caffeine fix while also indulging in something sweet and creamy. It’s is a great way to start your day or have a mid-day pick-me-up.

It’s simple to make and can be customized to your liking. So, what are you waiting for? Go out and try dirty coffee today!

What’s your favorite coffee drink? Let us know in the comments below! Thanks for reading.

Happy brewing! Happy sipping!

P.S. Be sure to check out our other coffee-related articles for more tips and tricks on making the perfect cup of joe and to learn “All About That Coffee!”