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The Perfect Strawberry Latte: A Beginner’s Guide

The Perfect Strawberry Latte: A Beginner’s Guide

Are you tired of the same old boring coffee routine? Do you need a little bit of fruit in your life? Then it’s time to try a homemade Strawberry Latte!

This recipe is perfect for anyone who wants to spice up their coffee game and impress their taste buds. The key ingredient in this delectable drink is the strawberry syrup, created from the freshest of strawberries.

To really get that ‘wow’ factor, you’ll want to use fresh ingredients and follow the step-by-step instructions that we provide here.

So join us as we take you through the process of creating a heavenly strawberry latte!

What is a Strawberry Latte?

Oh, dear friend, let me tell you about the fantastical wonder that is the strawberry latte. You see, it’s not just your average latte with a dash of strawberry syrup. Oh no, it’s so much more than that.

Picture this: a perfectly crafted latte, silky smooth and well-balanced with a rich espresso shot. But then, as if by magic, a burst of sweet yet tart strawberry flavor dances on your taste buds and leaves you in a state of pure bliss.

But don’t be fooled, this isn’t just a novelty drink for the summer months. The strawberry latte is a year-round champion, perfect for those days when you can’t quite decide between fruity and milky.

Plus, think of the Instagram potential! The bright pink hue of the strawberry syrup swirling amongst frothy milk is a sight to behold. Your followers will be green with envy (or should that be pink?).

So next time you need a caffeine kick with a fruity twist, just remember the blissful indulgence that is the strawberry latte. Your taste buds will thank you.

How to Make a Strawberry Latte

Image of fresh strawberries. The Perfect Strawberry Latte: A Beginner’s Guide

The strawberry syrup is where it’s at!

The most important part of this drink is the strawberry syrup. Sure, you could buy pre-made syrup at the store, but where’s the fun in that?

The best syrup is made with fresh strawberries and a lot of love. Plus, making it yourself will give you that feeling of accomplishment that only comes from creating something delicious.

Ingredients for the syrup:

  • 1 pound of fresh strawberries (or more if you’re feeling adventurous)
  • 1 cup of granulated sugar
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice (because lemon makes everything better)


  1. Wash and hull the strawberries. Chop them into small pieces and set them aside.
  2. In a medium-sized saucepan, combine the sugar and water. Cook over medium heat, stirring occasionally until the sugar has dissolved. It’s okay if you taste the mixture a few times, we won’t judge.
  3. Add the chopped strawberries to the sugar mixture and stir to combine. Be sure to give the strawberries a little pep talk before they jump in.
  4. Cook the mixture over medium heat for about 10-15 minutes until the strawberries have softened and the mixture has thickened. Don’t worry if you get a little impatient and turn up the heat, we’ve all been there.
  5. Remove the saucepan from the heat and stir in the lemon juice. Congratulate yourself on making something delicious and take a victory lap around your kitchen.
  6. Let the mixture cool for a few minutes before straining it through a fine-mesh strainer to remove the pulp. You can save the pulp for a smoothie later, or just eat it with a spoon (we won’t tell).
  7. Transfer the syrup to a jar or bottle and refrigerate until ready to use. Now take a deep breath and get ready for the best part.

Making The Strawberry Latte!


  • 1 or 2 shots of espresso (or 1 cup of strongly brewed coffee)
  • 1 tablespoon of strawberry syrup
  • 1 cup of steamed milk
  • Whipped cream (optional, but highly recommended)


  1. Brew your espresso or coffee. If you’re feeling extra sassy, use a clear glass or mug so you can see the colors.
  2. Add one tablespoon of strawberry syrup to the mug. Say something like “Strawberry syrup, you complete me” to the syrup because it deserves to feel appreciated.
  3. Steam one cup of milk using a milk frother or your espresso machine’s steam wand until it’s warm and frothy. If you don’t have a milk frother, just shake the milk in a mason jar until it’s frothy (it’s a great arm workout too).
  4. Pour the steamed milk into the mug with strawberry syrup, holding back the foam with a spoon. This is the moment you’ve been waiting for.
  5. Pour the espresso in on top of the steamed milk.
  6. Spoon the foam on top of the latte and add a dollop of whipped cream (if using).
  7. Drizzle a little bit of strawberry syrup on top of the whipped cream, because you can never have too much strawberry.
  8. Take a sip of your delicious creation and savor the flavor. You’ve done it! You’ve made a strawberry latte!

Strawberry Latte Variations

Looking to mix things up? Here are two variations of the classic Strawberry Latte recipe to try: Iced Strawberry Latte and Strawberry Matcha Latte.

Iced Strawberry Latte


  • 1 shot of espresso (or 1/2 cup of strongly brewed coffee)
  • 1 tablespoon of strawberry syrup
  • 1 cup of milk
  • Ice cubes (Pro tip- Don’t dilute your latte, use coffee ice cubes.)
  • Whipped cream (optional)
Video Credit: The Dinner Bite


  1. Brew your espresso or coffee and allow it cool.
  2. Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  3. Add one tablespoon of strawberry syrup to the glass
  4. Add in the milk, followed by the cooled down espresso or coffee.
  5. Top with whipped cream, if using.
  6. Drizzle a little bit of strawberry syrup on top of the whipped cream.
  7. Take a moment to admire the beautiful colored layers! Enjoy your refreshing Iced Strawberry Latte!

Strawberry Matcha Latte

Image of matcha powder. The Perfect Strawberry Latte: A Beginner’s Guide


  • 1 teaspoon of matcha powder
  • 1 tablespoon of hot water
  • 1 tablespoon of strawberry syrup
  • 1 cup of steamed milk
  • Whipped cream (optional)


  1. In a bowl, whisk together one teaspoon of matcha powder and one tablespoon of hot water until smooth.
  2. Add one tablespoon of strawberry syrup to the bowl and whisk to combine.
  3. Pour the matcha and strawberry syrup mixture into a mug.
  4. Steam one cup of milk using a milk frother or steam wand until it’s warm and frothy.
  5. Pour the steamed milk into the mug with the matcha and strawberry syrup, holding back the foam with a spoon.
  6. Spoon the foam on top of the latte and add whipped cream, if using.
  7. Drizzle a little bit of strawberry syrup on top of the whipped cream.
  8. Give it a good stir and enjoy your delicious Strawberry Matcha Latte.

Final Thoughts

Making a homemade Strawberry Latte is a great way to add some excitement to your coffee routine.

Plus, it’s a fun and easy way to impress your friends and family with your barista skills.

Just don’t forget to take a moment to appreciate the strawberry syrup and give it the recognition it deserves. Enjoy!

Happy brewing! Happy sipping!

P.S. Be sure to check out our other coffee-related articles for more information, as well as more tips and tricks on making the perfect cup of joe and to learn “All About That Coffee.”