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Exploring Third Wave Coffee And Its Influence On Acid Profiles In Specialty Coffees

Exploring Third Wave Coffee And Its Influence On Acid Profiles In Specialty Coffees

Third-wave coffee is taking the world by storm and has everyone asking, “What’s the deal with all this acidity?”

Third-wave coffee, specialty coffee, and artisanal coffee – are all terms used to describe a new era of coffee brewing and consumption.

In this blog post, we will discuss third-wave coffee and its influence on acid profiles in specialty coffees.

We will look at how advancements within specialty brewing have impacted levels of perceived acidity within high-grade bean selections.

We will also explore trends such as lighter roasts and unique processing methods which are being used to extract more nuanced flavors from these exceptional beans compared to lower quality commercial blends!

Third-Wave Coffee? Where Did the First and Second Wave Go?

Woman posing a question. Third-wave coffee? What happened to the first and second wave?

First-Wave Coffee

Let’s take a step back in time and explore the history of coffee consumption. By the 1960s, it had begun to skyrocket. For many individuals, this was their first opportunity to access this delicious beverage regularly- that marked what is now known as “the first wave” of coffee drinking!

Second-Wave Coffee

The second wave of coffee consumption came with advances in the way it was prepared, brewed, and packaged- bringing instant coffee to the masses and revolutionizing the industry.

Third-Wave Coffee

It is this wave that has taken center stage since then; a movement focused on specialty coffees, artisanal roasting techniques, single-origin beans, and an ever-increasing focus on quality.

Brewing and tasting techniques have become more refined, with baristas focusing not only on flavor but also acidity profiles to create the perfect cup of coffee.

This movement began in the early 2000s as a response to the mass-produced, low-quality coffee that was dominating the market. It focuses on quality and sustainability and aims to change the perception of coffee from a commodity to an artisanal product.

Third-wave coffee shops focus on quality and flavor, using unique brewing methods and high-quality beans to create a cup of coffee that is both delicious and complex.

This movement has had a big impact on acid profiles in specialty coffees.

What Is Specialty Coffee?

Specialty coffee is a term used for high-grade coffees which are carefully selected, roasted, and brewed to bring out the full flavor of the beans.

The term “specialty coffee” refers to coffees that meet certain criteria and score between 80-100 points on a 100-point scale in terms of their taste, aroma, body, acidity, complexity, balance, and overall profile.

These coffees are usually grown in specific regions, and often use unique processing methods.

Are Third-Wave and Specialty Coffees The Same?

Third-wave coffee and specialty coffees are not the same, but they are closely related.

Specialty coffees are high-grade beans that have been carefully selected, roasted, and brewed to bring out their full flavor — whereas third-wave coffee is a movement that is focused on bringing attention to these exceptional coffees.

How Are Acid Profiles Affected By Third Wave Coffee?

But What About All This Acidity Everyone Is Talking About?

Don’t worry, it’s not the kind of acidity that will make your stomach turn. Acidity in coffee is a desirable quality that adds brightness and liveliness to the flavor.

However, the acidity levels in third-wave coffee can vary greatly due to the various brewing methods and roasting techniques used.

Lighter roasts tend to have higher acidity levels because they are roasted for a shorter amount of time, allowing the beans to retain more of their natural acidity.

On the other hand, darker roasts have a lower acidity level because they are roasted for a longer period, which causes the beans to lose some of their acidity.

Processing Methods Also Impact Acidity

But it’s not just the roast level that impacts acidity in third-wave coffee. Unique processing methods can also play a role.

For example, coffee beans that are processed using the natural method tend to have higher acidity levels because the beans are dried with the fruity, sugary mucilage still intact. This results in a sweeter, fruitier flavor with a higher acidity level.

On the other hand, coffee beans processed using the washed method have a lower acidity level because the mucilage is removed during the processing stage. This results in a cleaner, more balanced flavor with a lower acidity level.

So, as you can see, many factors can impact the acidity level in coffee. But here’s the thing: acidity is just one aspect of the flavor profile.

Third-wave coffee is all about exploring and highlighting the unique flavors and characteristics of each bean, and acidity is just one aspect of that.

Some coffee lovers prefer a higher acidity level because it adds a bright, lively quality to the flavor. Others may prefer a lower acidity level because it allows for a more balanced, smooth flavor.

Third-Wave Coffee Brands

Third-wave coffee brands

There are many third-wave coffee brands out there that are making wonderful, high-quality coffees.

These companies focus on sourcing ethically and sustainably grown beans, using unique brewing methods and carefully crafted roasting profiles to bring out the best in every cup.

Some of the most popular coffee brands include Intelligentsia, Verve, Blue Bottle, Counter Culture, Stumptown, Four Barrel, La Colombe, and many more.

So if you’re looking to explore the world of third-wave coffee and discover some delicious, unique flavors, these are some brands worth checking out.

So whether you prefer high acidity or low acidity, light roasts or dark roasts, there’s something for everyone in the world of third-wave coffee.

Stumptown Coffee Roasters

Stumptown Coffee Roasters is one of the leading third-wave coffee brands in the United States.

It focuses on sourcing, roasting, and brewing high-quality coffees from around the world and offers a wide range of light to dark roast coffees with various flavor profiles.

Blue Bottle Coffee

Blue Bottle Coffee is another popular third-wave coffee brand that focuses on sourcing and roasting specialty-grade coffees.

They offer an ever-changing selection of single origin, estate, and blends that are roasted in small batches to bring out the unique flavors of each bean.

Their coffees range from light to dark roast and have a wide range of acidity levels from high to low.

So no matter what kind of coffee you’re looking for, Blue Bottle has something that will suit your tastes.

Intelligentsia Coffee

Intelligentsia Coffee is a third-wave coffee brand that focuses on sourcing and roasting specialty-grade coffees from around the world.

They offer light to dark roast coffees with various flavor profiles and acidity levels, as well as a range of cold brews, espresso blends, and single-origin offerings.

Whether you prefer light or dark roasts, or high or low acidity levels, Intelligentsia has something for everyone.

So if you’re looking for a unique, high-quality coffee experience, Intelligentsia is worth checking out.

Verve Coffee Roasters

Verve Coffee Roasters is a third-wave coffee brand that focuses on sourcing ethically and sustainably grown beans from around the world.

They offer light to dark roast coffees with varying levels of acidity and flavor profiles, as well as a range of specialty drinks, espresso blends, cold brews, and single origins.

So no matter what kind of coffee you’re looking for, Verve has something to suit your tastes.

These are just a few of the many third-wave coffee brands out there. There are plenty more that focus on sourcing, roasting, and brewing unique coffees with various flavor profiles and acidity levels – so if you’re looking to explore the world of third-wave coffee, there’s something for everyone!

No matter what kind of coffee drinker you are, there’s sure to be a third-wave brand that caters to your tastes. So why not give one a try and find out what you’re missing?


At the end of the day, it’s all about personal preference.

Third-wave coffee is all about exploring and highlighting the unique flavors of each bean. So go ahead and explore the wide world of third-wave coffee and discover which acidity level is right for you.

Just remember to always drink responsibly (and with a smile on your face).

Oh, and one more thing: don’t forget to pair your third-wave coffee with some avocado toast for the ultimate hipster experience.

Happy brewing! Happy sipping!

P.S. Be sure to check out our other coffee-related articles for more information, as well as more tips and tricks on making the perfect cup of joe and to learn “All About That Coffee!”