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How to Make Decaf Cold Brew Coffee in 6 Easy Steps

How to Make Decaf Cold Brew Coffee in 6 Easy Steps

Summertime is the perfect time to enjoy a refreshing cold brew coffee. If you’re looking for a decaf option, then this recipe is perfect for you! It’s easy to make and so delicious.

In just 6 easy steps, you can make your own decaf cold brew coffee at home. Let’s get started!

What Ingredients and Equipment Will You Need?

To make your decaf cold brew you’ll need;


  • 50 g whole decaf coffee beans
  • 350 g cold water


  • a container with a lid (I like to use a french press, but a mason jar can also work)
  • a cheesecloth or a coffee filter
  • Coffee grinder
  • Kitchen scale
  • Spoon

Now that you have everything you need, let’s make our decaf cold brew!

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step One: Weigh out Your Coffee and Water

Using a kitchen scale, weigh out the coffee beans and water.

When it comes to cold brew coffee, there’s a lot of personal preference involved. I like a ratio of 50 grams of coffee beans to 350 grams of water, but you might like more or less coffee in your final cup, so experiment with the ratio if you desire.

Step Two: Grind the Coffee Beans

Picture of decaf coffee beans in a coffee grinder for decaf cold brew coffee.

Cold brew requires coarse ground coffee. If you’re using a French press, use a slightly coarser grind for cold brew.

Step Three: Add Coffee and Water to Your Container

Add the coffee and water to your container, give it a stir, and then put the lid on.

Step Four: Steep for 16-24 Hours

Place your decaf cold brew in the fridge and let it steep for 16-24 hours.

Step Five: Strain and Filter Your Coffee

Pouring coffee through paper filter for decaf cold brew.

After steeping, it’s time to filter your coffee. If you’re using a French press, simply depress the plunger slowly to filter out the coffee grinds.

Although the grounds have already been removed from the coffee, fine residue may still be in the brew. To eliminate any little particles left over by the strainer, slowly pour cold brew through a paper filter.

If you’re using a mason jar, simply pour the coffee through a paper filter into another container, filtering out the grinds as you go.

Step Six: Enjoy!

You’ve now made decaf cold brew coffee! All that’s left to do is enjoy it. I like to drink mine over ice, but you can also enjoy it by adding milk/cream and sweetener if desired or any add-in you wish.

If you don’t intend on drinking the entire cold brew at once, store it in the fridge. When refrigerated, cold brew will keep for up to two weeks.

What is Cold Brew Coffee?

Cold brew coffee is coffee that is brewed with cold water instead of hot water. The coffee grounds are steeped in cold water for a period of time, usually 12 hours or more.

This brewing method results in a coffee that is less acidic and less bitter than coffee brewed with hot water and has a smoother flavor. Cold brew coffee also has a higher caffeine content than regular coffee, unless you’re using decaf coffee beans.

While the brewing process for cold brew coffee is simple, it does take longer than other methods. But for many people, the wait is worth it for the smoother, richer flavor of cold brew coffee.

It can be enjoyed over ice or diluted with milk/cream and sweetener to taste.

If you’re looking to try something new, give a cup of cold brew coffee a try!

Why You Might Want Decaf Cold Brew Coffee

While cold brew coffee is typically lower in acidity than hot brewed coffee, some people may find that they tolerate decaf cold brew coffee better.

Decaf cold brew coffee also has a slightly different flavor profile than regular cold brew – it’s usually a bit sweeter and less intense.

If you’re looking for a refreshing , summery drink that’s lower in acidity and easier on the stomach, decaf cold brew coffee might be for you!

How Is Cold Brew Different from Iced Coffee?

If you’ve ever ordered an iced coffee at a café and been disappointed by a tepid cup of Joe with ice cubes floating in it, you might have wondered how cold brew is different.

In short, cold brew is fresh grounds steeped in cold water for an extended period of time, while iced coffee is hot coffee that’s been poured over ice.

This simple difference results in two very different beverages.

Cold brew is less acidic than iced coffee, so it has a smoother, more mellow flavor. It’s also stronger, since the longer brewing time extracts more caffeine from the beans.

So if you’re looking for a wake-up call on a hot summer day, cold brew is the way to go.

What Are the Benefits of Cold Brew Coffee?

Cold brew has a number of benefits over hot brewed coffee. It is less acidic, so it is easier on the stomach. It also has a smoother flavor, making it more palatable for some people.

Additionally, cold brew can be made in large batches and stored in the fridge for up to two weeks, making it a convenient option for those who want to enjoy iced coffee all week long.


I hope you enjoyed this recipe! Now that you know how to make decaf cold brew coffee, give it a try! This recipe is perfect for summertime sipping.

If you use high-quality specialty coffee beans, a decaf cold brew can be as delicious and smooth as standard cold brew.

Let me know how yours turns out in the comments below.

Happy brewing! Happy sipping!