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The 7 Best Coffee Beans for Chemex

The 7 Best Coffee Beans for Chemex

Looking for the best beans for your Chemex? Look no further! We’ve got you covered with our list of the 7 best coffee beans for the Chemex.

So, what makes a coffee bean perfect for the Chemex? Well, it needs to be light and flavorful, with a moderate level of acidity. It’s also important that the bean is able to produce a nice, thick crema.

If you’re looking for a delicious cup of coffee that’ll make your Chemex shine, then check out our list of the 7 best coffee beans for the Chemex. You won’t be disappointed!

What Is The Chemex?

The best coffee beans for Chemex

Since its invention in 1941, the Chemex coffee maker has been a staple in every coffee enthusiast’s cupboard. The unique design has endured unchanged, with a wood collar, leather cord, and tapered glass.

The pour-over process created by this design removes the coffee’s oils, and extracts only the desirable part of the bean for brewing, leaving you with a delicious flavor which isn’t achieved by many other coffee makers.

Widely considered to be one of the best ways to brew the perfect cup of coffee, the Chemex has been the choice of coffee lovers around the world for over 75 years.

How to Choose the Best Coffee Beans for Chemex

When it comes to choosing the best coffee beans for Chemex, there are a few things you need to consider. You’ll want to find beans that are high quality and fresh, and you’ll also want to choose a roast that will work well with the Chemex method.

Most people, myself included, prefer a medium roast coffee, but you can feel free to choose whatever roast you like best.

If you’re looking for the best beans for your Chemex, I recommend checking out some of the options from Koa Coffee. They offer some of the freshest and highest quality beans available, and their roasts are specifically designed for use with Chemex brewers.

The 7 Best Coffee Beans for Chemex

Kona Coffee Beans:

Kona coffee beans are a type of Arabica coffee bean that is grown in the Kona district of Hawaii. These beans are known for their smooth, chocolatey flavor and rich aroma.

100% Kona Coffee

My favorite Kona coffee is from Koa Coffee. They offer a few different roasts, but my personal favorite is their dark roast. It has a rich, bold flavor that pairs perfectly with the Chemex brewing method.

Brazilian Santos Coffee Beans:

Brazilian Santos coffee beans are a type of Arabica coffee bean that is grown in Brazil. These beans are known for their sweet, fruity flavor and mild aroma. They are grown in the rich soils of Brazil and offer a full-bodied flavor that is sure to please. Whether you’re a coffee lover or just looking for a new flavor to add to your rotation, these beans are sure to delight.

Colombian Supremo Coffee Beans:

Colombian Supremo coffee beans are a type of Arabica coffee bean that is grown in Colombia. These beans are known for their bright, vibrant flavor and floral aroma. Rich and full-bodied, these beans will give you the energy you need to start your day off right.

Ethiopian Yirgacheffe Coffee Beans:

Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee beans are a type of Arabica coffee bean that is grown in Ethiopia. These beans are known for their bright, citrusy flavor and complex aroma. Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffee beans are some of the most highly sought after in the world.

Grown in the Sidamo region of Ethiopia, these beans are known for their intense flavor and complex notes. They make a great cup of coffee whether you’re brewing at home or enjoying at your favorite café.

Papua New Guinea AA Coffee Beans:

Papua New Guinea AA coffee beans are a type of Arabica coffee bean that is grown in Papua New Guinea. These beans are known for their smooth, chocolatey flavor and rich aroma.

Indian Monsooned Malabar Coffee Beans:

Indian Monsooned Malabar coffee beans are a type of Arabica coffee bean that is grown in India. These beans are known for their unique flavor and earthy aroma.

Costa Rican Tarrazu Coffee Beans:

Costa Rican Tarrazu coffee beans are a type of Arabica coffee bean that is grown in Costa Rica. These beans are known for their bright, citrusy flavor and floral aroma

What Grind size is Best for Chemex?

Best coffee beans for chemex. Best Grind size
Photo by Andrea Tummons on Unsplash

Brewing coffee can be a complicated process, but it’s important to understand all aspects of it in order to make the perfect cup. In particular, you need to understand extraction in order to avoid under and over-extraction.

Under-extraction happens when you don’t extract enough flavor from your coffee. This can be caused by using the wrong grind size or by brewing for too short a time.

Over-extraction happens when you extract too much flavor from your coffee. This can be caused by using the wrong grind size or by brewing for too long a time.

The goal when choosing a grind size is to extract just the right amount of flavor from your coffee. If you extract too little flavor, you’ve under-extracted it, and if you extract too much flavor, you’ve over extracted it.

Avoiding these problems is essential for making the perfect cup of coffee.

If you are looking for a grind size that is best suited for a Chemex, I would recommend using a grind size that is smaller than what you would use for a French Press. This will help the coffee to flow through the filter and into the carafe more easily.


How much coffee should I use for my Chemex?

I would recommend using 50-60 grams of coffee per liter of water or 18-22 grams per 6oz of water. This will give you a nice, strong cup of coffee.

What is the best water to use for brewing coffee?

I would recommend using filtered water or spring water. This will help to ensure that your coffee tastes its best.

What is the best way to store my coffee beans?

I would recommend storing your coffee beans in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. This will help to keep them fresh and flavorful.


I hope you’ve found this list of the 7 best coffee beans for Chemex helpful.

The Chemex is an excellent way to make coffee. It is simple, efficient, and produces a great cup of coffee. If you are looking for a coffeemaker that will help you make the perfect cup of coffee, I would highly recommend it.

While any coffee can be used in a Chemex, some coffees work better than others. Choose a coffee with distinct flavours so you can truly enjoy your Chemex.

You will taste flavours that you never noticed in your coffee before and you may even discover a new favourite type of coffee.

Thanks for reading!

Happy brewing! Happy sipping!

P.S. Be sure to check out our other coffee-related articles for more information, as well as more tips and tricks on making the perfect cup of joe and to learn “All About That Coffee!”