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The Best Coffee Beans for Pour Over: Our Top 7 Picks

The Best Coffee Beans for Pour Over: Our Top 7 Picks

Hey coffee lovers! Do you love the taste of a fresh cup of pour over coffee? If so, you’re in luck and definitely not alone! In fact, many people believe that pour over coffee is some of the best coffee around. In this blog post, we will share with you our top 7 picks for the best coffee beans for pour over.

Pour over coffee is a popular brewing method that many people enjoy because it allows them to control the strength and flavor of their coffee. It’s also a great way to appreciate the unique flavors and aromas of different types of coffee beans.

So, without further ado, let’s get started!

What is Pour Over Coffee?

Best coffee beans for pour over. What is pour over?
Photo by Jamie Long on Unsplash

Pour over is all the rage right now and for good reason – it’s a delicious way to enjoy your morning cup of joe. It is a brewing method that involves pouring hot water over ground coffee beans. The water then filters through the coffee grounds, extracting their flavor and oils.

Pour over coffee makers come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all have one thing in common: a filter holder that sits on top of a carafe or mug. Coffee grounds are placed in the filter, and hot water is slowly poured over them.

As the water seeps through the grounds, it picks up the coffee’s flavors and oils. The final cup of coffee is typically clean-tasting and rich in flavor.

You can find pour over coffee makers online or at most kitchenware stores. Two of the best Pour Over Coffee makers are the Chemex and the Hario V60.

Our Top 7 Best Coffee Beans for Pour Over

Koa Coffee Private Reserve Medium Roast

Private Reserve Kona Coffee

If you’re looking for a delicious and well-rounded coffee, look no further than Koa Coffee Private Reserve Medium Roast. Koa coffee is grown in the volcanic soils of Hawaii, resulting in a cup of coffee that is both sweet and rich.

The Ka’u Private Reserve is a top-of-the-line, expertly roasted coffee with Central American tastes: a syrupy texture, low acidity, aromas of citrus and jasmine, and a smooth delicate flavor with notes of brown sugar, currant, and a long spice finish.

Koa Coffee’s medium roast is the perfect coffee for those who want to enjoy a delicious cup of coffee without having to worry about the acidity levels.

Lifeboost Medium Roast

Beans from Lifeboost are single-origin in order to minimize mold contamination, and they are handpicked, high-elevation and shade cultivated. The company also roasts their beans in small batches to preserve flavor and aroma.

This coffee is perfect for those who are looking for a health-conscious option. Lifeboost’s Medium Roast coffee is a delicious and healthy option for those who want to enjoy a cup of coffee without having to worry about the acidity levels.

Lavazza Gran Riserva Filtro Whole Bean Coffee Dark Roast

If you’re looking for a rich and full-bodied coffee, look no further than Lavazza Gran Riserva Filtro Whole Bean Coffee Dark Roast. It is made with 100% Arabica beans that are slow roasted to preserve their flavor and aroma.

The result is a cup of coffee that is both rich and full-bodied, with a deep, intense flavor and aromatic notes of cocoa and caramel.

Organic Medium Roast Coffee by Java Planet

If you’re looking for an organic option, look no further than Organic Medium Roast Coffee by Java Planet. This coffee is made with 100% organic Arabica beans that are roasted to perfection.

This is a delightful tasting low acid coffee! Colombia’s full-bodied flavor is represented in this single-origin coffee, with lovely fruit undertones.

In addition to being certified Organic, it is also Rainforest Alliance Certified. This guarantees ethical pricing, worker rights, wildlife and environmental protection as well as fair pricing.

Don Pablo Gourmet Coffee Signature Blend Medium-Dark Roast

If you’re looking for a coffee that is both rich and flavorful, look no further than Cafe Don Pablo Gourmet Coffee Medium-Dark Roast.

The highest quality Arabica coffee beans from Colombia, Guatemala, and Brazil are utilized to create the Don Pablo Signature Blend Gourmet Coffee with a medium-dark roast.

This coffee has a full, sweet, and well-balanced flavor with low acidity. It has a medium body and a smooth cocoa-toned finish.

Death Wish Organic Whole Bean Coffee

Every Death Wish Coffee whole bean bag is crammed with organic whole coffee beans that produce coffee so delicious that it’ll blow your mind away. Their coffee beans are USDA certified organic and Fair Trade, giving you a natural caffeine boost without any dangerous chemicals.

Immerse yourself in a smooth, non-bitter cherry and chocolate flavor profile that will win you over. They’ve chosen carefully sourced whole coffee beans from all around the world to create a rich dark roast coffee with an exciting taste that you’ll instantly become addicted to.

Out of the Grey Coffee- House Blend


This coffee is a smooth, well-balanced coffee with medium acidity and a complex profile of rich and nutty caramel flavors and smooth finish. The House Blend is roasted to perfection, giving you a delicious cup of coffee that is perfect for any occasion.

This coffee is a perfect example of what a great cup of coffee should be- rich, flavorful, and smooth.

How to Choose the Best Coffee Beans for Pour Over Buyers Guide

When it comes to choosing the best coffee beans for pour over, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, consider the roast level. Light roast beans will have a brighter flavor, while dark roast beans will be more full-bodied.

Next, think about the origin of the beans. Arabica beans are typically higher quality, while Robusta beans are usually less expensive.

Finally, make sure you choose a coffee that is freshly roasted and packaged. This will ensure that you get the best possible flavor from your cup of coffee.


Is pre-ground coffee good for pour over?

Pre-ground coffee can be good for pour over, but it is best to use freshly ground beans for the best flavor.

What is the best grind size for pour over?

The best grind size for pour over is a medium-fine grind. This will allow the water to extract all of the flavors from the coffee beans. If you don’t have a coffee grinder, you should definitely invest in one. The one we have at home is the Cuisinart DBM-8 Supreme Grind Automatic Burr Mill.

What is the best water to use for pour over?

The best water to use for pour over is filtered or spring water. This will ensure that your coffee doesn’t have any unwanted flavors.

How much coffee should I use for pour over?

Typically, you should use about 30 grams of coffee for pour over. This will yield about 16 ounces of coffee.

Final Thoughts

There you have it- our top seven picks for the best coffee beans for pour over. We hope that this guide has helped you narrow down your choices and find the perfect coffee for your needs.

Now that you know a few things to look for, it’s time to start shopping for the best coffee beans for pour over.

Happy coffee shopping! We hope you find the perfect beans for your next cup of pour over coffee.

Thanks for reading!

Happy brewing! Happy sipping!

P.S. Be sure to check out our other coffee-related articles for more tips and tricks on making the perfect cup of joe and to learn “All About That Coffee!”